In the last years of the second decade of the 21st century, SADORENT, S.A., now DRIVALIA S.A., was awarded the PME Líder and/or PME Excelência qualification status. And in the latter case, it was one of the few car rental companies in this economic sector to receive this distinction from the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI).
The PME Leader and PME Excellence statutes are reputations of companies created by IAPMEI - with Turismo de Portugal, as a partner - to distinguish the merit of national PMEs with superior performance. The statutes have associated a set of benefits and function as a quality certificate for companies in their relationship with the market (eg economic and financial indicators). It enables distinguished PMEs to relate to their environment - suppliers, customers, the financial system and national and regional authorities - on a basis of trust that facilitates the development of their activities.